Life Hacks Seminar for GABWA*
Thur | 11/15/18 | 6:30 PM
Baker Hostetler | Atlanta, GA
For The Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys (GABWA)
Topic: Career and Fashion Hacks
A life hack refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all aspects of life. This seminar offers great life hacking tips from seasoned experts in legal marketing and fashion. Participates will learn the following:
Career Hacks to Enhance Your Brand
The case for having a personal brand in the legal marketplace
What does brand cultivation look like in relation to your role (in-house counsel, outside counsel, government, non-practicing)
The power and importance of being a business developer / dot-connector
Fashion Hacks to Enhance Your Brand
Fashion Dos & Don’ts
Work to Weekend Wear
Millennial Attire: Connecting Individuality with Corporate Culture
For more on the Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys (GABWA), click below: